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Agree wholeheartedly, let’s hope someone reads, listens and acts upon this.

Tony Rosier

It’s become a total farse the government needs to understand that we in this country have a Naval tradition, this is where we are different from the rest of Europe and are indeed set apart. We will always need a large Navy to defend our trading interests around the world and to defend our island. I think if you we’re to ask the majority of British people for more money to build ships in our dockyards most would agree.


Would love to see this again, really enjoyed the days out we used to have looking around the ships!


A nice idea, but watch as even more people put their notice in when yet another long weekend or week of precious time alongside is taken away from them. We are run ragged and seriously have so little time spare while trying to regenerate a platform or just squeeze in maintenance before the next stint at sea.
The navy needs more ships and a LOT more people to man them before this kind of thing isn’t viewed as a serious hassle.
However, when ships are away from Base Port in the UK, so excellent ship open to visitors do take place, and are very well attended. These do allow a lot of people who do not live near Portsmouth or Devonport to see the navy.

Ian Inglis

A great idea , hope it happens.
Before HMS Queen Elizabeth goes to Portsmouth for a “Navy Day” , there should be a “Navy Day” in Rosyth, i would also be happy to bring along my Mobile Military Museum to be part of that event.. Just saying.


I agree in principle as I grew up attending Portsmouth Navy Days . For me security of our ships and people override public enjoyment … A massive target QE class


I have served in the RNZNVR at Devonport NZ HMNZS Philomel and HMS Drake, Devonport Plymouth. Proad to serve at both Devonport Naval Bases. Therefore, support the idea of re-introducing Navy Days to the British Public and remind them that although there has been a reduction since 2010 there are new ships buildin and more importantly we have to continue building up the navy to meet the threat against Russia, China, Terrorism, etc.

T B D'Agostino

In complete agreement, I have many fond memories as a Sea Cadet visiting both Chatham and Portsmouth Navy days. The great way I was treated by the ships companies encouraged me to join the RN.
The Sea Cadet Corps would be happy to put on a sideshow including the sailing brig TS Royalist, drill & band displays I’m sure.
Also what a great central point the QE would be, thousands of people welcoming her to the fleet.


Whilst I agree that the RN is woefully bad at self promotion and that the lack of the tradional Navy Day has been a loss to the public, I don’t believe that its feasible yet to open up the dockyards to the masses.
There is a large amount of ships alongside in August, yes. This is to allow the ships companies a decent stint at home with families before the cycle of regeneration, working up and tasking starts again .
The dockyards years ago also weren’t pretty much owned and ran by large defence corporations like now. To staff the dockyard itself would require large scale numbers drafted in from the surrounding shore establishments. All this in the middle of a period dedicated to lads and lasses spending time with families.


100% support this idea. Can see no reason whatsoever why they cannot be re-instated (even if ships are only open above deck). It is clearly something the public want and would bring thousands of visitors to the Portsmouth & Plymouth areas and much wanted tourist revenue. Too many senior RN staff seem to find it easier to state that we: don’t have available ships, costs too much, health & safety issues, security issues etc. Yes there may be security issues BUT is that not the same for any football/sports event, tourist/shopping destination etc nowadays – if anything given there are only a few “entrance points” to each site its far easier to check bags etc. Absolutely no reason we cannot run them – Belgium & Holland successfully managed it for many years!. Could easily form part of annual “Armed Forces Day” celebrations. Recently attended the National Armed Forces Day at Cleethorpes – outstanding success with over 200,000 attending!!

Aaron Darkwood

I live in Bournemouth and truly love the Navy coming here with one ship open for visits. The first three years I boarded HMY Tyne, HMS Edinburgh and HMS Richmond. Sadly the next two years HMS Argyle and HMS Monmouth were open upper decks only.
This year with tickets being released online, all 900+ were gone within 11 minutes. I didn’t get any and with upper deck only, wasn’t too upset. Was really hoping for a type 45 this year. As it turned out, weather conditions were poor and most visits were cancelled.
I can only assume security is the issue with going below decks, although one officer sited personnel shortages as the issue? Naval Bases are partially open with the various displays etc, would it be a terrorist risk opening ships up? Even with bag searches a person with strap on explosives could probably walk in unchecked.
Still I feel the risk is minor. Any terrorist with that ability would go to a shopping centre and kill a thousand people rather than put a hole in a warship and kill a hundred.

Greg Harris

With manning and morale at it’s current very low level, i’d say this would be a bad idea… just another straw to add to the camels back… and as for not many people being needed, i take you have forgotten just how many people are needed to man a ship whilst this evolution takes place? Extra security (to stop the visitors wandering off with the nice, shiny things… brass firefighting nozzles used to be a favourite), extra cleaning (to get ship extra sparkly), stalls to man, health and safety issues etc etc… plus the normal duty watch as well.

James Holt

I think Navy Day’s is so important. Not just for the general public that visit on the day but also for the many young sea cadets that help prepare and staff the display fleet giving them an experience that for most results in a career in the Royal Navy. As a sea cadet in the early 80’s Navy Day’s is something that will stay with me forever. It was a huge experience as a lad in my early teens helping prepare the ships for two weeks before public entry and then helping staff them once open including painting a submarine and sun bathing at one end whilst the other dried, the sort of thing most youngsters never get to experience these days. The large sea cadet presence also enabled a lot of the crew to go on a much needed leave whilst just a skeleton crew helped manage them. My young nephew is now in the cadets and we would love nothing more than to be able to visit whilst he’s taking part. Even if Navy Day’s was every 2 or 3 years rather than annually, surely that would be possible.

Karen Sargent

My family went when I was a child and I would love to now take my own children.

Adam cooper

I totaly agree with other coments, but not only are these weeks great for visitors to have a good day out and see the royal navy, but its also a good moral booster for the serving members of the royal navy and marines to meet the public they serve, providing they also get some down time whilst they are back home.
These events also advertise and help recruit future generations of the greatest maritime force in the world.
I think this event would also raise money, if advertised correctly on BBC radio and TV shows (like this morning) giving it the attention it deserves. Our forces need and deserve some recognition.
I do also agree that we need more military personel, and we need more and better equipment.


Shame went as a youngster with dad who was ex navy. Loved it, stood on deck of Ark Royal, with Harrier hovering level with the deck. Had no idea it had been stopped wanted to take my Grandchildren.

Mike Matthews

Great if Navy Days could return annually to one of the bases. Warm memories of Chatham and the ships, (many of which were active in the war) in the late fifties and sixties, then my children enjoyed similar.
As an island nation that has relied upon the sea and a strong navy throughout most of our history it is a sad indictment of naïve political thinking to reduce our navy to just a handful of ships, such that we do not have the resources to put on even a bi-annual event for the “Great” British public.

Debbie Cashmore

I absolutely loved Navy Days! Best ever was The Festival of the Sea. Please bring them back

Ian White

As an ex sailor serving 17 years before bad health took over I would love to help out on Navy Days. In my very late 50’s now but I would be more than happy to give up a couple of days to help.

Dione wignall

I would love navy day to come back my dad took me every year in the 70 s as a child he’s an Navy man was in Second World War he was 15 years old he’s still alive 91 now butt I would like be to take him one last time


They are frit regarding Muslim attacks. See, Run, Report. Is the new military motto.

Z Boylett-Long

Bring Navy days back! It was our annual holiday every year, a tour of the dockyard, the amazing displays, talking to sailors, seeing the ships…..i could go on! My Father was so proud to have served and enjoyed the links this day brought every year as I’m sure other families found.


Sadly our government knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing. The minions in power squander millions of taxpayers money in knee-jerk actions to satisfy the Treasury’s demands to cover up their accounting black hole. This has decimated our armed forces with ships, squadrons, and regiments getting the chop unnecessarily.
Take the Harrier for example. Sold off cheaply to the Americans, we have a dire need for this aircraft especially now HMS Queen Elizabeth has been delivered. Instead we’ve got to wait until the F-35 is delivered – and if we do something the US doesn’t agree with, we’ll probably end up with a plane that doesn’t work. Perhaps it would have been better to join forces with the French and buy the Rafale for our carriers.
Then there’s the fiasco with the Type 42s. Most of the class were retired early while HMS Nottingham had £39 Million spent on repairs but was axed four years later and sent for scrap.
Plans to save HMS Edinburgh were dashed when she too went to the breaker’s yard.
I could go on and on, but in truth no government over the past 40 or 50 years has really held the Royal Navy or UK Armed Forces to its heart, yet expects the services to perform many testing duties on a shoestring budget while not offering much in the way of moral support.
Navy Days would help raise morale a bit. But I fear like the RAF, whose ‘At Home Days’ are now a thing of the past and have been largely replaced by RIAT, those days are gone.

Adrian Borrelli

I’d love to see it again & take my own son this time. My last experience of navy days was as a sea cadet in the late 70s.
Only just realised how long ago that was.

alec Fitzgeorge

the senior service should come back and be proud of it. I am 100%.

Andy Barrett

I went to navy Days and as consequence joined up as a sea /ops rating bring it back ASAP IF NOT WHY NOT!

Isabella Mayes

I remember going to Navy Day in Rosyth when I was about 10years old it was a fantastic day out I loved it and would dearly love my grandsons to be able to enjoy a day out looking at the ships etc they would love it x

John D

I grew up in Plymouth and Chatham, needless to say my family had some connections with the navy. Both of my grandfathers served in the navy. I loved going to navy day days as a child and so did my children. Navy Days was an excellent promotional vehicle for the British Navy and promoted public support for the excellent work our navy has done. Shame on the current and previous governments for hobbling this important element of our defence!

Ex cpo

As an ex member of the run I’m shocked that there are no navy days having taken part in them for many years I think it’s a real shame the public don’t get to see what a great job the guys and girls do

Ken Geary

Bring back Navy Days as soon as possible

Blood Reed

I was a regular visitor to Portsmouth Navy Days in the early 70’s as a teenager and even got to go onboard a nuclear sub (HM S Conquerer) and look through the periscope.
I joined the RN in 1974 so it must have made a good impression on me.
We may not have a sizeable Fleet now but the new carriers are helping to put the GREAT back into GB so let us celebrate the Senior Service and have the chance to meet some of the new generation of ratings who are continuing to serve in our proud maritime heritage.
It may well encourage future recruits into the RN as it did with me.
Let’s start a petition to have it reinstated!

Catherine Bovey

I’ve always wanted to go to this but never could. I now have a partner who would love to see this too. Please start them up again

A Pickthorne

I used to enjoy navy days when I was based in Pompey in the 70’s, it was great PR and a brilliant recruitment platform


I remember navy days to Portsmouth privleges like sc rambling over
The Ark Royals 1 a d 2 Illustrious, Invinceable and many more
Understand security a problemi
But the red caps would sort it out


This makes me sad the powers that be have made decisions that the public does not like even families from all forces have problems with.
We took our son and then niece and nephews to the Royal tournament in Earls’s Court
it was a sad day when the government stopped it. We even made friends and saw each other as silly as it sounds we had the same seats every year the kids would run check out their space then went around all the stalls they were good at manipulating those poor guys manning the stalls. They all had their fave item and at the end, we got to the car put the 2 kids whose turn it was to come with us got their pillows, and put throws over them. It was a long day we left home 04.30 got into the car park just over the road from Earls court went to the same place to have breakfast the kids picked a place to visit The Imperial War Museum was a fave same as the river trip and they loved the Tower of London and the British Museum. Then a mad rush to get eats to get to the Tournament at 17.30. When the last day of the Tournament Princes Ann was there and the final part started names of the people who were killed one name was Captian Blackadder Rowan Atkinson came out his speech had the whole of the Tournament were going to fight people banging on the floors shouting lots of booos.I believe that recruitment suffered a lot by closing it down. And hurt many many people for who it was a yearly thing.

Dennis Ellmore bristol

I completely agree that navy days should be brought back I always enjoyed them I hope they do soon

Dennis bristol

I agree that Navy Days should be brought back, I enjoyed the times I visited them, let’s hope they come back soon.