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Ex 80s Matelot

A good skipper keeps the good jobs to themselves and gives the bad ones to the Jimmy. I had several good skippers and strangely enough the same amount of bad Jimmies. Clever men, skippers! Good luck to Captain Essenhigh.

James Cohen

I think a little more thought needs to go into statements such “…remuneration far greater than a Captain’s salary of around £95k, and likely have a generous package of benefits, including a good company car…”. For a start a regular officer and rating gets paid a great deal more than the headline pay – the cost (to the tax payer) of the pension scheme amounts to a nominal 40% – that is to say if someone wanted to buy a pension at 55, indexed linked etc etc etc, they would have to pay at least 40% of their salary into the pension. Since the pension scheme is non-contributory, that cost falls to the tax payer, so that increases the remuneration to £133k, and that is before other allowances (such as CEA) are taken into account.

So actually Captain’s are quite well paid. And if you think that everyone is the private sector gets a “good company car”, this might have been the case 20 years ago, but is far less likely now, as for a start a company car is very heavily taxed.

Supportive Bloke

“company car is very heavily taxed.“

Unless it is an electric car as this year the BIK tax is zero.

But I agree with the underlying point – the company car was pretty much a dead duck until the push to BEVs.


I disagree, Captains are *not* quite well paid. What the private sector gets is neither here nor there, I know of nobody in the private sector in command of a £3 billion aircraft carrier with fighter aircraft, helicopters and 1000 crew under their command, prepared to go to war on the country’s behalf.
The taxpayer is getting very, very good value for money out the Captain, the ship and the RN in general.

Shire boy

There are a couple of points here. The article just chucked out £95,000. If you are going to start comparing the Navy to the civilian world you have compare the complete package, which would include pensions etc. But you also make the valid point, that you know nobody in the private sector who commands a £3 Billion aircraft carrier, so its was a pointless comparison in the article. If they compared a Captain in the US Navy that would have been better.


What I wan to know is when are the words ROYAL and NAVY going to be applied to these carrier F35Bs?
Or is the fanatical RAF cry of ”if it flies it belongs to us” too strong? Backed up by them strutting up and down the flight deck to the amusement of the matelets?