Comment moderation policy
Comments left on this website maybe removed if they do not comply with our moderation policy. Any containing multiple web links (and offensive words) are automatically held for moderation and it may take a little while before they can be approved.
We believe in free speech and will only very reluctantly remove comments or ban users as a last resort. Please try to stick to the subject matter of the article you are commenting on and above all, avoid personal attacks, however much you disagree. Feel free to present any opinion, but make your case using facts and evidence. This is not a chat forum – fewer and more in-depth comments are appreciated.
Please keep to the guidelines below
- Do not use language that is offensive – any such comments are automatically held for moderation. (Bad language is unnecessary, looks unprofessional and can negatively affect Google ranking)
- Ensure comments are legal and do no break UK law which includes libel, condoning illegal activity, racism and contempt of court.
- Do not use the site to promote a single political party (although political discussion, relevant to the navy is welcome).
- Apart from your email address, do not post personal information about yourself or others such as physical addresses or phone numbers.
- Do not impersonate another person or an organisation.
- Do not promote any product, service, organisation or publication without permission.
- Do not use more than one username per person to post comments or supply false email addresses. (We do not maintain a database of email addresses and will never share them with a third party. They are only used very occasionally by us to directly contact a commenter)
We do not favour particular individuals or any particular points of view but all comments that do not conform to the guidelines above or are personally attacking other commenters will be deleted.
Contributions are welcomed and appreciated
Don’t be shy, please leave your comments and join our knowledgeable community that helps inform debate.