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Bloke down the pub

Hopefully she’s in better condition than some of the later RN frigates.


I hate to be negative but how is this going to succeed when HMS Plymouth failed?

Unlike Plymouth surely Ambuscade must also be very different after 30 years in foreign service to how she was in her Falklands service?

Supportive Bloke

I’d tend to agree.

It is the ongoing maintenance costs that kill this kind of thing unless you have a spare dry dick like Chatham for its ‘O’ submarine so she can be out of the water.

Otherwise you have expensive periodic dry docking for hull coatings and safety inspections.

Obvs she it is in a dry dock then she can be inspected there.

Andrew Deacon

Looks like a \water berth. You may wish to edit your first reference to “dry dock”!


No mate he knew exactly what he meant.

Glasgow should be congratulated on trying to utilise her great shipbuilding history and heritage but shame it is one of the fire hazard 21’s they intend to use due to availability.

victor parody



HMS Cavalier at the Historic Dockyard Chatham

comment image.webp

Supportive Bloke

I was talking about the O class submarine in the next dock….


Dry dick. Sounds painful lol


“Otherwise you have expensive periodic dry dicking….”? 😂


Cant see this happening. We tried to get ex HMS Edinburgh to Edinburgh, there was so much red tape and so many hurdles and that was in British territorial waters. She will go to the scrapyard before she gets anywhere near The UK.

Rowan Maguire

For a moment I thought they were bringing her back for service, wouldn’t be the most obscure thing to have happened.

Irate Taxpayer (Peter)


Good idea!

The Red Sea is quite near to Pakistan = so why not finish off its career on a high note?…

Peter (irate Taxpayer)

Boyd Halley

As an apprentice engineer I worked on HMS Ambuscade and her sister ships Arrow, Alacrity, Ardent and Avenger, looking forward to seeing her one more time.

Mick O'Keeffe

I was with HMS AMBUSCADE down the Falklands 🇫🇰 in 1990 whilst on RFA GOLD ROVER. Good memories of her down south. We also visited South Georgia 🇬🇸

Big D

My 1st ship in 79….Great ship and ships Company….before we all get excited…..take a breath….still a lot of red tape.

Phil plum

2nd ship 77 / 79 helicopter crew great ship, fantastic ships company, would love to see it again. Phil p


T21 a fine looking boat , maybe more attractive than the later t23

Ken Mears

I’m a keen radio control model boat builder and built a large model of a Type 21 using HMS Ardent as my subject. I used photo’s of actual 21’s I took at a Navy Day down in Plymouth many years ago, to complete the model. Being different to a standard naval designed ship, these commercially designed hull’s were a beautiful ship to see and so fast in the water. I can’t wait to see a 21 back in the UK exhibiting our UK Naval heritage.


Vosper Thorneycroft was still a [commercial] warship designer-builder for foreign countrys. It was all Adm Horace Law, the Controller of the Navy’s idea but the RCNC was still responsible for strength and stability and increased the length and beam after the intial design came back


Lovely looking model looks amazing on the water …

Irate Taxpayer (Peter)


Yours is not a RCMB (Radio Controlled Model Boat) = it is most-definitely a USV!

This is exactly what the RN now needs to boost its total number of surface combatants.

Where can MOD place an order?; how much each?; and how fast can you build them?

Peter (Irate Taxpayer)

Ken Mears




Joe Haynes

Best ship I ever served on, it will be a great day to be able to step onboard again


They should put her back in service.

Andrew Deacon

Last saw Ambuscade off Burgh Island Friday 9 April 1982 – week after Falklands invasion. Took me some years to be certain as she had no Pennant Number. Gather she’d had to turn back en route South.

Ac tye

As RM. I hope it goes a head. But the way. Funding is going with the government funding for historically events ie the woke policymakers say no moor

Ac tye

My comments have now been removed which are completely correct thank u a open debate

Ac tye

Thanks you for removing all my comments on this subject

A patriot

If we can’t even afford to have a navy the likes we had in Falklands how are we affording this level of red tape. you want a museum, have one over there. If u want one here find a similar vessel already over here. Not saying anything about our honored navy but until I see it I don’t believe we have the funding besides most people these days are to woke to understand our level of heritage anymore (sorry if it upsets anyone but it needs pointing out)


Another foreign troll pretending to be British, and failing miserably.


Hopefully she can be returned to the UK as planned. Then maintained as a fitting tribute to those that paid the “Ultimate Price” and those that served Down South!!


The Type 21s were very active on the Falklands, Arrow firing in support of the attack on Goose Green, Alacrity passing down the sound and of course Ardent in the gun line.


As short as the Senior Service is on hulls right now m, maybe she should be overhauled and recommissioned


Nice gesture from Pakistan


Nice idea that we may finally have a Falklands veteran in preservation. She does look a bit different in some respects (mainly add ons that can be removed) and I’m sure there are various bits of kit she used to have fitted lying around that could be retro-fitted if the will is there. Best of luck to her and the people behind this.

Steven Wallace

Nice she is returning to the UK, and hats off to the PN for the donation. The article mentioned very hulls left from the Falklands war, aren’t we just about to scrap HMS Bristol? Bristol was a flagship in that war and has only ever served the RN…

Supportive Bloke

But Bristol is massive, knackered and much cut about.

You’d need a large berth for her too….

Aidan Lees

HMS Ambuscade
22nd (Cheshire) Regiments Sister ship hope they manage to pull this off

Andrew Rutter

Something of a coincidence that two ex RN ships with their current name of “Tariq” sold off to other navies should be considered for preservation in the UK, on two of our West Coast major rivers that have shipbuilding history, wartime history and Merchant Navy history. It seems ex HMS Ambuscade will quite rightly return to Scotland’s Clyde to represent shipbuilding there, but ex HMS Whimbrel will presumably not return to England’s Mersey to represent The Battle of the Atlantic there. A pity ways and means could not be found to bring back Whimbrel from Alexandria to be in Liverpool, especially as HQ Western Approaches and U534 would be part of the story and memorial to the longest sea conflict of WWII.

Andrew Rutter

And I should have added to my reply, agreeing that Amuscade will represent the Naval Battle of the Falklands very appropriately considering the loss of life and sister ships in that more recent conflict.