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Cap’n Bob

Needs LRASM😀

Armchair Admiral

This is almost joined up thinking. A set of boats with essentially the same equipment and of a modular form…coff coff..boxer..coff coff.
Do we need to look much further for a useful set of boats to act as mother ships for all those agile remote drones we are soon to be inundated with?


The Boats Team seem to be doing a reasonable job over the last few years, which puts them streets ahead of most of DE&S. Perhaps Clive Sheldon should ask them how they do it and model major projects on that.


Thats because its an ‘invisible’ program so avoids the interference from the highly ambitious who want to ‘make their mark’ even if it means chaos and waste left behind them as they inevitably get the promotions they desire

captain p wash

25 Knots ain’t too shabby, She should be more than capable of doing the job pretty much as and when required, especially Rosyth and Portsmouth for the Carriers and I guess Faslane too.

Gavin Gordon

SS Robin also took my interest, in passing:-

captain p wash

Indeed Gavin…… I often depress myself thinking about the lack of Museum Ships this little Island has retained….. Warspite being the stand out example……..


Atleast we still have a few older ship about. I’m not saying we should be
Like the yanks with a dam carrier in every town but we should have saved more. I really wanted HMS Hermes for the nation and India was selling for cheap! Would have made a great falklands museum funding would and could have been found easily. Again no type 21s 22s or 45s saved we need to save our heritage far more…. But But But we have HMS Victory I can hear plonkers say….warriors cool though, even unicorn and HMS Ganets are cool.


42s lol


She’s one ugly a££ boat….hate the way she looks, luckily it was Echos in my time,


Looks like a tidy little survey boat. Wish we had seats like that at our workstations when I was working offshore. We had to make do with office chairs on castors – I kid you not!