Today the MoD has announced the award of the Future In-Service Support (FISS) contracts worth a total of £1Bn to provide maintenance support for 17 vessels of the naval service. For the RN this is broadly good news, efficiently sustaining a large part of the fleet, strengthening shipyards while offering greater competition and diversity amongst its suppliers.
Maintenance support for the ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary has been successfully provided over the last decade through ‘cluster contacts’ awarded to Cammell Laird and A&P Falmouth. In 2018 the MoD requested tenders to renew these contracts for the next 10 years (from March 2019 to June 2028). For the new competition the 13 RFA ships, together with HMS Scott, HMS Protector, HMS Echo and HMS Enterprise were grouped into four different ‘lots’.
The new deal will improve how spares, repairs and refitting work is conducted and should sustain ships in service and maximise availability. Besides scheduled refits, the contractors are expected to provide teams to send overseas for operational defect rectification when needed. They are also responsible for equipment obsolescence management, surface coatings and furnishings. The MoD claims this the FISS project will deliver £100 million of savings over the next 10 years (although it does not say what this figure is in comparison with). 700 jobs at shipyards across the country will be secured.
The contract for the ships of lot-1 (RFA Fort Victoria, Fort Austin, Fort Rosalie, Wave Knight and Wave Ruler) has been renewed with Cammell Laird and has an estimated value of £357 million. The MoD has denied rumours that RFA Wave Knight or Wave Ruler will be sold to a foreign navy and the value of the lot-1 contract suggests that at least their future maintenance has been funded. (Currently, RFA Wave Ruler is laid up in Royal Seaforth Dock due to crew and cash shortages while RFA Wave Knight completes refit.)
Experience and detailed knowledge gained from already working on the vessels suggested that the incumbents were likely to retain their existing work share. There are now long-standing relationships between the contractors, the MoD and RFA that have helped drive value for money through a deep understanding of the engineering requirements.
The slightly more surprising news is that CL have also won the new £262 million contract for lot-3 which comprises four newly-built Tide class tankers (RFA Tidespring, Tiderace, Tidesurge and Tideforce).
A&P Falmouth is just completing the UK Customisation, Capability Assessment Trials and Support (UKCCATS) work to fit the Tide tankers class with naval equipment after their construction in South Korea. RFA Tidesurge is currently conducting sea trails and work is well underway on the final ship, RFA Tideforce in Falmouth. A&P would have been hopeful of winning lot-3, but at least retain lot-2 which comprises RFA Cardigan Bay, Lyme Bay, Mounts Bay, RFA Argus and HMS Scott. Babcock in Rosyth is currently undertaking the major refit of HMS Scott but future support will be done in Falmouth.
UK Docks Ltd have a long-standing relationship with the RN but the award of the £150 million lot-4 contract is their largest so far. Their Tyneside facility will support the survey ships HMS Echo and Enterprise and the Antarctic patrol ship, HMS Protector. Until now A&P Falmouth maintained HMS Echo and Enterprise and all 3 ships are nominally based in Devonport (although are often deployed overseas for up to two years). For the ship’s company, Babcock (Devonport) would have been a preferable winner but they were obviously beaten on price. From a political perspective, splitting the work across 3 contractors helps to share the economic benefits more widely around the country and may also further underpin the revival of UK commercial shipbuilders and repairers that the Queen Elizabeth class carrier project helped to stimulate.
Cammell Laird gain momentum
Cammell Laird will further strengthen its position as the leading English shipbuilding and repair yard. The major refit of RFA Fort Victoria is almost complete as she is set to rejoin the fleet and will be ready to provide support to HMS Queen Elizabeth when she deploys operationally in the next few years. RRS Sir David Attenborough has now been launched and is fitting out. Starting next year, CL will also welcome the first of the six Type 45 Destroyers which will have major engine upgrades over the next five years. This growing confidence and experience adds impetus to their joint ‘Leander’ bid with BAE Systems to win the Type 31e frigate competition. Since 2008, CL has been able to invest £500 million in its workforce, apprenticeship programme, facilities and supply chain. Now responsible for work on nine RFAs, the company will be able to take on another 20 new apprentices a year. The mood at A&P Falmouth is unlikely to be so bullish, they have been exceptionally busy with naval work over the last few years but have lost the work on Echo and Enterprise and failed to win the work on the Tide class tankers.
(Main image: Richard Graham)
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- RFA Fort Victoria modified to support the aircraft carriers
- In focus – the Tide Class tankers
- Final cure for Type 45 destroyer propulsion problems announced
- Articles relating to the Type 31e Frigate
I wonder how much lower CLs cost base is than APs. Falmouth as well as being quite a small and isolated place is become an increasingly expensive to live as more and more homes become second homes. Merseyside is still relatively low cost as well as having a large potential labour pool. This sort of maintenance work is very labour intensive, so a company’s hourly rate as well as its land use costs are key.
Plus the local council in Falmouth has been very slow in helping the docks expand .
Falmouth has a fantastic natural deep water harbour and the docks under AP are busy but the local authorities are so tourist focused they do little to help.
From my personal experience of being back and forth to Falmouth Dockyard over the years, I have experienced numerous complaints about associated yard & ship noise from residents who ironically chose to live in new developments built right next to the dockyard.
Whilst the ships in question provide safety and security to those very residents on an international level, these complainants have no idea that their complaints are also having a detrimental impact on the local economy. Falmouth shall soon lose its biggest industry like many other towns.
I really did think A&P had Tide class in the bag. Once the Bay Class go…..
One of the main points you can read into this is the fact their seems to be no RFA cuts in the so called MDP and the up coming budget. With the contracts being costed and signed, it would seem that we may be hoping for a refreshed and manned RFA, but hopefully not at a cost to the frigate force. If I am wrong it’s because I am just a pongo land lubbing fellah with an interest in keeping our 3 services combat effective. Here’s hoping.
Slightly off topic but what happened to Argus? As a hospital ship with a large helicopter capability, it would have been the perfect ship to send to the Caribbean either this year or last, but instead the bays went. I haven’t heard of it being used for any active missions in a while, even though they have had to use enterprise because of lack of bigger ships.
Bear in mind that the Bays have a dock (giving the ability to operate LCVP/LCU/Mexe), enough troop and vehicle space to support a large HADR contingent and their heavy equipment, and a role 2+ medical facility (plus the space and connectors to carry and deploy a containerised hospital facility). For purely medical support the Argus is a better ship, but for medical support combined with infrastructure repair the Bays are hard to beat.
Argus has been in Refit at Falmouth for the last 6 months. Argus is needed for aviation training around the UK and the ever-versatile Bays are more suited to disaster relief work.
Considering Argus is one of the few vessels outside the frigates/destroyers that has a fixed hanger, I think making more use out of her would make sense. If nothing else an effectively hospital ship arriving in a disaster zone makes for great PR.
For a second there I thought you meant HMS Argus the Aircraft Carrier built in 1918 lol was about to say she has been gone a long time lol 😆
It would seem a greater need for the Royal Navy is staffing. Considering the depleted number of ships in the RN and RFA, it would seem greater efforts need to be made to attract and keep qualified personnel. I once read the RN had entered into a contract with the US Coast Guard to fill key positions. Perhaps there should be an effort to procure staff from Commonwealth navies to fill key positions in arguably the most professional navy in the world. Considering the small size of Royal Navy assets compared to their global commitments, it is essential that sufficient staffing is maintained. This could be a win-win for everyone.
Funnily enough chatting to a member of the Australian Navy in Sydney a few years ago, there was some discontent that all the best jobs in the RAN were going to current or former members of the RN.
Locals in Falmouth aren’t too happy with the Dockyard. Especially since the crane collapse last year that left dozens of people evacuated from their homes because emergency services had to clean up a chemical cylinder spill.
Then you also have problems with noise, gangs of young men on the town on Friday evenings none-too-friendly, harassing young women and getting into fights. To be fair this happens anywhere where there are idling young guys hanging around.
Finally, the dockyard is impeding the tourist trade in the area and building luxury housing.
But the dockyards make more money for the local area all year round than the tourist trade.
It was the council which rezoned the area round the docks as residental leading to people buying apartments next door to a busy industrial complex .
Falmouth dockyards have always been busy and the local plod are use to boisterous boys getting into scraps , but Falmouth is a model of soberiety compared to West street in Brighton at the weekend where the plod are underseiged by drunk snowflakes of falmer and the Chavs of whitehawk .
I like Falmouth chatting to the visiting sailors in the pub is always amusing.
Who owns the freehold on the Docks? Is there a risk that they will work with the council to replace the industrial docks with housing and leisure boating. I suspect the dockyard land is worth far far more for housing than as a shipyard.
This could get scary as I don’t think UK Docks is up to it. They have not had the kind of support structure BAE have supplied in the past and the Tyneside facilities would have to be built up from the boatyard they show in their website. It may be OK for the P2000 boats but SVHO are much larger.