In this historical piece, former Royal Navy clearance diver Ray Sinclair reveals details of Operation Blackleg – the hazardous work to recover classified materials from the wreck of HMS Coventry sunk off the Falkland Islands in May 1982.
HMS Coventry was sunk in about 100 metres of water to the north of the Falklands Sound. Although the wreck was considered too deep for amateur diving, it could be accessible to professional divers. Fearing that the Soviet navy could attempt to access the site, it was considered necessary to mount an operation to recover classified cryptographic material left on board as soon as possible.

Operation Blackleg was led by Lieutenant Commander Mike Kooner and a team of Naval divers operating from the chartered vessel MV Stena Seaspread between from October – December 1982. It saw the team secure various weapons, destroy sensitive equipment and recover items including coded documents, the captain’s ceremonial sword and telescope, as well as the Cross of Nails from Coventry Cathedral, presented in 1978 when the ship was commissioned. Four decades later, lead diver Ray Sinclair (formerly Suckling), now a journalist has written this narrative:
First-hand account
Our Naval Party 2200, aboard the Dive Support Vessel (DSV) Stena Seaspread, had reached its destination. The ship is stationed 13- miles North of West Falkland Island in the tempestuous South Atlantic Ocean. Directly below us, 300 feet down, laying on her port side, was the wreck of the Royal Navy’s Type 42 Guided Missile Destroyer, HMS Coventry.
Time tends to blur and distort memories. Yet, nearly 40 years on, the recollections of the war grave HMS Coventry have strengthened with clarity and poignancy. What has affected me the most is the moving of the bodies of the fallen, those brave young men who sacrificed everything and remain forever on watch.
The command, in a scene reminiscent of a James Bond film and spoken with the seriousness of ‘M’, informed the divers, “If we fail to recover or destroy all the items on the Ministry of Defence list, NATO would be set back by 25 years.”
I was on the second saturation dive, my first saturation dive as a Royal Navy Clearance Diver. On my first excursion to the Coventry, I exited the diving bell and sat on the clump weight, which hangs by two metal cables just below the round entrance door of the bell. Below me, the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), with its twin lights and camera, illuminated small sections of the ship as it flitted across the enormous expanse of the grey hull. I stepped off the clump weight and slowly drifted down to the ship’s starboard side to commence cutting a larger access hole. I looked up at the diving bell, which now hung like a glittering Christmas bauble in the blackness of the surrounding ocean.

We continued cutting to enlarge the hole as two-man teams with the usual unsettling small blowbacks. Unfortunately, Clegg was to experience what must have been a bigger underwater explosion, the force cracking the thick polycarbonate face plate of his diving helmet. Clegg made his way back to the safety of the bell, understandably shaken up, but luckily was able to continue to carry out his diving duties.
The team was now split into two teams of three. Harrison, Wilson and I formed a team. We were to rotate from Diver (1), Diver (2) and Bellman. Our task was for Harrison to enter the ship’s interior through the enlarged hole and myself to station inside the lobby to tend the diver’s umbilical.
Harrison would then navigate his way along the passageway to the Computer Room to recover the crypto tapes from the computers. We knew a body lay over the doorway, which led directly to the start of the passageway. Edwards and Daber had finished their dive, clearing out the lobby to gain access, when they came across the body. The divers were instructed to use the term Code Bravo for any deceased ship’s company that needed to be relocated to carry out the operation.
Via radio communication, I informed Dive Control of the Code Bravo and what was to be done. Assuming we had a better grasp of the situation and Dive Control did not know what to do, silence was the answer. Finally, after what seemed like an age, Harrison and I picked up the sailor and positioned him through the doorway. We let him go and watched him serenely float down to his final resting place.
Harrison could now cautiously make his way along the passage to recover the tapes. After about an hour, Dive Control informed me Harrison was trapped, and I needed to go along the passageway to where he was and free him. I cautiously made my way, following his diver’s umbilical in the cramped and cluttered space to where Harrison was stuck. He had his arms full of cryptographic tapes. Wires and cables entangled around his diving helmet and bailout bottle.
Harrison was also wedged between a locker and the side of the ship’s structure. He did not know I was there and was struggling to free himself. I communicated to Dive Control to tell him to remain still. I then set about removing the nest of wires and grabbing his bailout bottle at the back and his diving harness at the front and pulling him through the tight opening; this is the job of diver (2). At the lobby, Harrison gave me the tapes and went back to recover the remaining tapes, this is the job of diver (1).

Captain’s Cabin
The Computers Room successfully cleared. Dive team 003 was tasked with clearing Captain Hart-Dyke’s cabin. The primary aim was to open the safe and recover the top-secret documents. The team of Edwards, diver (1), Daber, diver (2) and Clegg (Bellman) were the first team to enter the cabin. They were tasked with clearing out the clutter for a safer work environment. This dive is where Edwards and Daber recovered the much revered ‘Cross of Nails’, and Daber recovered Hart-Dykes ceremonial sword and telescope.
On the next dive, I was diver (1), Wilson, diver (2) and Harrison (Bellmen). I was to open the safe. I made my way to the safe, the size of a small chest. Wilson on the outside, tending my umbilical. Dive Control relayed the combination, so many turns left, stop, a number to the right, stop, three to the left, stop. I then tried the handle, but the safe door didn’t open.
I attempted the combination lock three times to no avail. Wilson passed down the oxy-arc cutting gear and, like a pro, cut into the safe. Once open, I took out the documents marked TOP-SECRET. I confess to reading a few, but the encryption was above my pay grade. Also, in the safe were some beautiful silver ornaments, small candelabras, and I distinctly recall the small antique silver box with a stagecoach drawn by six horses embossed on the lid. I put all the silver into a dark blue mail sack and handed it to Wilson. No money was in the safe in the way of petty cash. When I exited the Captain’s cabin, the safe was empty.

The last missile
On November 26, 1982, my final excursion as diver (1) was to make my way over to the Sea Dart missile launcher. There, on the launcher, was the last armed Sea Dart missile sticking defiantly out 90 degrees to the ship. There would have been a different outcome if this missile had shot down the attacking Argentine jets.
The top side sent down one 4lb pack of plastic explosives and two 50lb charges. I placed the 50lb charges on the ship’s superstructure at strategic locations. I then swam over to the Sea Dart, straddle the missile like a motorbike, and secured the explosive pack to the warhead. Command was unsure whether deep demolitions using cortex would work. The diving bell and divers of 003 were now safely on board and commencing decompression. The Stena Seaspread moved off station. All three charges detonated.

For 30 years, due to the Official Secrets Act, only the MOD’s sanctioned accounts of the dives were allowed to be reported. There was no credit whatsoever given to the Leading Divers who accomplished the bulk of the dangerous, harrowing and demanding work. Now, 40 years on, my account serves as a factual retelling and I’m immensely proud to have been part of the three-man dive team that saw Petty Officer Micheal (Harry) Harrison awarded the Queens Gallantry Award. This crew, including the two civilian contractors, Dive Supervisor Geoff Stone and ROV Operator Jim Pye, made this epic dive possible. From the most junior sailor to Commanding Officer, this Royal Navy team deserved at the very least a Commander in Chief’s Commendation.
Based on an original article written by Callum Hoare and Ray Sinclair.
Fascinating read. Thank you.
always nice to read stuff that never made the news due to secrecy etc, we should never forget these men as even though it may sound trivial now, it must have been quite a mission back then, especially with the technology back then compared to what we have today…
Pity you could not recover the body of DAS who had been trying to restore the computer. No word because of secrecy on recovery of the nuclear weapons .
Yes. The references to crypto and stuff in the safe is a bit of red herring.
It’s an old wives tail I’m afraid.
All the nuclear weapons had been recovered to Hermes and Invincible by this point (30 in total), with 1 on RFA Regent. No WE.177 on Coventry.
There is the possibility that inert surveillance or training rounds were onboard, but even then its unlikely as they were also recovered to the carriers and eventually moved to RFA’s returning to Ascension. 7 transfer cases were damaged whilst this was undertaken.
Sheffield also categorically had no NDB aboard. It did sail with an inert surveillance round but that was removed at Ascension.
Yes yes. Thats the official version/versions because they did mislead and lie previously. Doesnt matter now of course as the RN did routinely carry these weapons but varied with the ship and other matters. Naturally it would be very irresponsible to leave anything like that just 100m down and all credit to the divers that did recover the weapons.
Whos ever mentioned Sheffield anyway , but because of the long time it took to sink any crypto and nuclear warheads could have been removed.
Coventry was a different matter.
There have been plenty of ex-RN crewmembers, including from Coventry, who have commented on the removal of nuclear weapons/inert surveillance rounds from the ships heading down south and exactly what was onboard the ships.
Sheffield was boarded by a naval party to recover weapons. They were carried by a Junglie. They recovered 3 Sea Skua and fire fighting apparatus and some other bits and bobs that could be lifted off in a net. There was no attempt to remove anything else. As the ship was burned out and it was believed that the fire would reach the Sea Dart magazine no further attempts were made. RN personnel who carried that out have talked about it…they managed to access the helo weapons magazine, ony Mk.46 there and no attempt was made to remove them.
The official version of events is correct.
Yes. of course the official versions are always completely and utterly correct. No doubt about it
Real adventure………
RIP Paul (Pooh Bear) Callas
Fascinating! Brave men all: those who served, those who lost their lives, and those who dived to recover sensitive items.
Thank you, a most interesting read. Why weren’t the bodies recovered? As a non seagoing former Wren, I not too sure of the rules!
It would officially be a war grave.
Didnt apply it seems for the Glomar Explorer ( there was a separate Glomar Challenger) recovery of non nuclear powered but nuclear missiles-Golf II class sunken Soviet sub K-129 NW of Hawaii
The interesting part was CIA knew where to look using sosus data which multiple sites could give location within 5nm
1968 was a bad year for sub sinkings with these 3 others as well, INS Dakar, MN Minerve and USS Scorpion
Yes I think so. I have read about it. But it was a long time back.
I only discovered recently that there were burials at sea of those that died at sea right to the very end of the war. I believe that was the first conflict that bodies were optionally repatriated but only those that died on land. Perhaps more bodies would be repatriated in a conflict today.
US veterans or even deceased but active duty personnel can still chose burial at sea from a naval vessel – ashes from cremations can be used instead
A very interesting first hand account of a very dangerous mission: well executed.
A quiet moment contemplating the realities of war.
RIP all those forever young.
Very interesting and sad at the same time. Those sailor’s left behind, forever on duty.
Thanks for this article.
This diving operation was done in a time when divers were breathing plain compressed air, which beyond 120 feet/40 meters becomes a very dangerous affair.
Today with Nitrox(Nitrogen/Oxygen) a dive to 300 meters is a much more manageable and safer operation.
Sorry but your knowledge of diving gases is sadly lacking! Nitrox is for depths shallower than “normal” compressed air, 40m is also an American (PADI) limit 😉 saturation dives are done on reduced oxygen mixtures, and they were well known in ’83 just think about the North Sea Commercial divers for instance. Try to dive on nitrox to 300m and you’ll be dead in no time!
Helium/ Oxygen mixture
Owing to the expense of helium, heliox used in deep saturation diving, on a closed circuit breathing diving helmets.
A deeply saddening but necessary job. Hadn’t realised HMS Coventry went down so quickly. May those remaining on watch, rest in peace.
It puts the Nord Stream gas pipe explosions into perspective. At 100m deep, the perpetrators would also have to use a form of diving bell. Hmm, I wonder who has the capability, but also who can profit from this sabotage?
Some are saying that Russia is behind it, but I fail to see how doing such a thing would profit them at all.
The Nordstrom explosions – has to be the US. Biden very clearly promised to do it. I think sensible Germans were realizing that this coming winter is going to be nasty and were planning to negotiate with Russia. By blowing up the pipelines Biden rendered this pointless. He also of course threw Germany to the wolves, they will have their worst winter since 1945 – 46 and their economy will be grievously damaged, they have no way out. But that’s merely collateral damage in the drive to emasculate Russia.
There are still plenty of land pipelines mostly through Poland- who substantially benefitted from gas transit fees. They were bitterly opposed to the Baltic sea pipelines for that reason
It’s technically beyond Poland. They have one Kilo and don’t appear to have the necessary kit. But as you say the pipelines are a motive. They were opposed to the pipelines because of Russia. Many don’t know NS pipelines were German ventures. Russia didn’t want to build NS2.
I think we can write off Norway too.
Sweden has an interesting history of underwater skullduggery.
Which of the US vessels in the area was carrying the swimmer delivery vehicles that’s the question.
Poland has a higher capability than you think
‘Double Eagle SAROV systems to be used for mine countermeasur (MCM) operations. The system will be delivered for the Polish Navy´s Kormoran II class MCM minehunters begin built by a Polish Consortium. Delivery of the systems is scheduled for 2021-2022
And what does MCM involve looking around the seafloor for and then doing ?
Nordstrom is an American Department Store…not a pipeline..
“Biden very clearly promised to do it.”
This is utter cobblers. But if it isn’t lets see the proof…why don’t you provide a link for Biden clearly promising to blow up Nord Stream…
CT, Germany had been warned by NATO that they were too dependent on Russian energy in advance of this crisis. That does NOT mean NATO blew up Nord stream.
So what was Germany thinking? We want cheaper russian energy, and we don’t care. We will carry on using polluting brown coal and we will shut down our german built nuclear power plants because of Fukushima.
Us once was just as dependent alongside Europe on Saudi- Middle east oil.
hence the various invasions.
Energy supply is a national security issue , not a nice to have
Then theres the reliance on China for the essential manufactures of the modern world and not just household products but industrial essentials from steel to chemicals
Good work by the divers and due respects to the crew of the Coventry.
Wild comments below about America cutting energy supply to Europe imagine the propaganda if that was true. Putin knows the pipeline won’t get used in his lifetime and he is sending the message that he can mess with the West’s seabed infrastructure
“Wild comments below about America cutting energy supply to Europe”
‘Wild’ isn’t the word I’d use…..Mental perhaps…
well done lads I always wondered how it was done – did all the missiles and ammo left get destroyed – ex Coventry crew myself pre FI .Later joined Hms Southampton only to be involved in the collision with Torbay which also included working with your diving section for a few months . brilliant work well done.
Thank you 👍
All the Sea dart missiles were intentionally destroyed. Basic ammo proves no prize for the Soviets at the time. There was one 1000lb bomb unexploded in the wreck as well , just to add to the drama.
As we now know from the Soviet Russian junk being used in Ukraine the Soviets would have learned a lot from Sea Dart or the computer systems.
Soviet weapons caught the West out in the Yom Kippur war.
What is odd at the moment, the Russians cannot deal with ex-Soviet weapons as used by Ukraine.
Well done Navy Divers, you did a good and brave plus necessary dangerous operation.
The only failure of the mission, was not bring home killed in action Sailors bodies, to their families.
As families of those who died on HMS Coventry, when they read this account, will always wonder if the dead sailor body, the navy divers came across, was their love one?
As from a service family, include members who served in the Royal Navy and Royal Marines too, also we are a service family who lost 9 family members in war too.
One of our family members killed, his body was never found, so the family has no military grave to visit or remember him by.
All we have is, only a name on a World War One Memorial in France, plus his name is also on a village Cross of Sacrifice in Worcestershire too!
We can only imagine, what families of HMS Coventry, will go through, after reading this account!
Thank you for yours service though, not always our service personnel, are honour and remember officially, for what they do for the rest of us, thank you.
Namaste Gurkhamum Wendy and Wheelchaircharlie39 David (disabled veteran) too
Thank you 👍
The fallen sailors are in their sacred resting places as is tradition with military sailors who remain forever on watch.
The divers were purposeful in not knowing the names of the sailors. Nothing to be gained from the information for the families. To know they died doing their duty to Queen and country, in the highest service and defending the ideals of Western democracy.
Really . And the UK involved in the joint attacks on the Suez canal ( France) or Iraq ( US)
And the RAF involved on the attacks on Libya in 2011 with Nato during the 1st Libyan civil war.
Was it all about western democracy or oil?
One of the unique aspects of naval service. From the battles dating back to antiquity through the world wars to the Falklands, with few exceptions, the sea has been the grave of the fallen.
This is a fantastic read and those involved deserve far more public credit than they were awarded.
Thankyou 👍
One of the Royal Navy’s most dangerous and harrowing dives to recover NATO secrets. Has gotten little to no recognition, as a journalist it’s my role to change that.
There seems to be a reticence on the part of RN leadership to push for honours to be awarded for outstanding service. While they may think that the Senior Service is above such tawdry baubles, the impression created in the public eye is that , unlike the other services, the Navy doesn’t do anything noteworthy.
Greta read well done.
A great read, thanks for sharing.
Remember some of these brave chaps transferring onto Stena Inspector moored in Stanley Outer Harbour during that period when I was on there. Seem to recall Coventry’s radar transmitters were in Seapread’s welldeck also
The team did recover the radar, and it was stowed on the well deck, I have an image of that somewhere as well.
I’m Puzzled in your article when you have to open the Captain’s safe you say you used oxy arc for cutting, I’m an ex artificer diver and we used this equipment back in 60s I’d have thought it would have been redundant by your time. I was teaching divers the use of seafire when I was on the port diving team mid 60s. I much admired your achievement in what you did
Hi Keith,
It was thermal lance cutting equipment , we trained in the use of the equipment at Clucas marine , Reg Clucas invented Kerri cable.
Trained in sea fire in the late 70s at Horsea Iskand defence diving school. Sea fire would probably not have been anywhere near as efficient as thermal lance cutting into the ship. Hope that clears up your question.
Oxy arc
Just finished a book called Diver by Tony Groom who relates the same story’s but there is no mention of him in this account??
Tony was not on this operation. He was a member of FCDT 1. The Blackleg team comprised mainly of divers from FCDT 2 led by John Dadd, during Operation Corporate.
Hope that helps.