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Paul Bergin

Great job done.



Andrew Deacon

Slightly off topic, but RFA Cardigan Bay left Portland a couple of weeks ago. I presume to Falmouth, but can’t confirm that bit.

Supportive Bloke

Not OT at all. At least she has moved hopefully to her scheduled refitting?


Thanks for the update

Supportive Bloke

A great advert for the RFA which is a lot more than a floating fuel station.

An absolutely bit ad l capability that costs peanuts but changes the RN from a coastal navy to one with legs.

Even if we went back to a Cold War ASW posture in North Atlantic you still need carriers and RFA to keep them on station for protracted periods.


Perhaps a reminder that the RFA supports NATO could be mentioned to whoever is dragging their heels on RFA pay. It’s no good having a NATO first slogan and not making best use of it to clear blockages.

Irate Taxpayer (Peter)


As the RN only have fuel tankers and our NATO allies only have solid stores ships..

Ex-BBC children’s TV presenter Noel Edmunds should now be brought in…

…to run, each Saturday morning, a new version of his much-loved phone-in programme:

  • “NATO Swap Shop”

Peter (Irate Taxpayer)

PS and what is happening with the procurement of our vital new FSSS ships ??????


wait and see I guess for the moment:


A little picky but liquids are measured in cubes (cubic meters) not litres “The tanker transferred thousands of litres of fuel to warships”.

Just like all these articles we read nowadays saying kilometres, last I checked we use miles in the UK (OS grid on maps being the exception), nautical miles for, well nautical stuff, and knots as a measure of speed for ships and aircraft.

Last edited 3 months ago by Russ
Irate Taxpayer (Peter)


Please remember that one of our NATO allies – those good old boys over in the US of A – landed a dozen men on the moon over half a century ago……

……….using only feet, inches and pounds.

Peter (Irate Taxpayer)


Peter, we don’t organise RAS’s using litres in NATO.