The XV Patrick Blackett arrived in Portsmouth today. She has been bought for use by the NavyX programme as a platform for trials and experimentation with new technologies. Here we look at this vessel in detail.
Accelerated procurement
The research, development and experimentation work of the RN’s Develop Directorate has now been streamlined under the NavyX brand with a single multi-disciplinary team aiming to introduce novel and innovative capabilities to the fleet. Run by a Colonel Royal Marines, who works directly to the RN’s Director Develop, Rear Admiral James Parkin, NavyX philosophy is to work collaboratively, differently, and at pace.
From start to finish the experimental vessel procurement has been completed in less than a year for a total cost of just £7m. The project was launched in August 2021 and a tender was issued in December specifying a vessel that must already have been built, although not having had a previous owner. It would displace a maximum of 500 tonnes, be less than 48m in length and capable of 20 knots. A large working deck at the stern with space for at least two TEU containers was also needed. The requirement for an existing vessel meant there were very limited suppliers able to meet this specification and a Damen Fast Crew Supplier (FCS) Vessel was obviously the likely solution.
In January 2022 a Damen-built FCS 4008 was down-selected and the contract was signed the following month. Ownership was transferred to the RN in March and work to adapt the vessel at Damen’s covered shipyard facility located at Gorinchem in the Netherlands was started in April.
XV Patrick Blackett has been procured as a dedicated trials platform that will avoid the need to place excess demands on the busy operational fleet. She has core crew of 5 RN personnel but has sleeping accommodation for up to 12. She is certified to carry a further 12 technicians and engineers when day running on trials work. Her first commanding officer will be Cdr Samuel Nightingale, a warfare specialist on assignment to NavyX.

The XV is named after Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett (1897-1974) a renowned experimental physicist awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1948 and president of the Royal Society (1965). He joined the RN in 1910 and saw active service in the First World War, serving on the cruiser HMS Carnarvon during the Battle of the Falklands (1914) and later on the battleship HMS Barham at the Battle of Jutland (1916). During The Second World War he worked at the Royal Aircraft Establishment developing technology that helped defeat the U-boats. He later became Director of Naval Operational Research and argued correctly from analysis of data that resources devoted to area bombing of Germany were not proportional to its effectiveness. Until now, Blackett was widely honoured by academia as one of the greatest British scientists of the 20th century but his importance to naval history was rather overlooked. The XV now fully recognises his contribution and is a fitting name for a vessel to be used for cutting-edge naval research.
The XV is intended to have a distinctive appearance, she is not painted pussers grey, but matt back, carrying a large NavyX logo, and the pennant number X01 highlighted in gloss. She will not be a commissioned vessel but will serve under the Blue Ensign, being an unarmed, government-owned vessel simplifies her operation and the way she could be employed.
A large QR code will be painted on each side of the superstructure to give smartphone users a link to a website of NavyX’s choice. An excellent way to promote public engagement and provide a timely explanation of the work being undertaken. She will attend both RN and NATO exercises around the UK and abroad and is a flexible platform that will provide a broad range of experimentation options for NavyX and wider industry.
The platform
The Damen FCS 4800 series are primarily designed to transport up to 90 personnel and cargo to and from offshore oil and gas installations. The unique axe-bow hull design developed by Damen enables the vessel to slice through the waves with reduced resistance. Less forward buoyancy and a long, tapered hull help the vessel pierce waves more than ride over them, reducing slamming and pitching motions. This allows higher speeds, has a lower impact on the hull, provides a smoother ride for passengers and has better fuel economy. Around 150 axe-bow vessels are in service around the world, mostly in support of offshore industry but several navies and coastguards operate OPV or maritime security variants. This hull form is not suited to wider warship applications due to the narrow focsle and the need to keep weight aft.
The main modification to meet the XV specification was to convert the seating area for 90 passengers into spaces for use by the trials team including a briefing room, office and workshop. Minor changes were also made to communications and bridge equipment to meet RN requirements. The large wooden working deck aft has a capacity of up to 100 tonnes, securing points for two TEU containers together with electrical power and cooling water supplies. The knuckle-boom crane can be used to embark stores up to around 4 tonnes or deploy small craft over the side.
XV Patrick Blackett is officially capable of up to 20 knots although probably can achieve significantly faster speeds. She has a substantial range of 3,300 nm at 20 knots and is driven by 4 diesel engines driving 4 fixed-pitch propellers through 4 individual gearboxes. Two 99.0 kW generators provide electrical power to the ship and a 120kw hydraulically-driven bow thruster allows her to berth and unberth unaided. She is equipped with 9,000 sensors which can transmit data ashore to support predictive maintenance, real-time analytics and remote engineering support.
The vessel is air-conditioned and fitted with modern accommodation for 12 people in four 2-berth cabins and one 4-berth cabin. She is 41.2m meters in length, has a beam of 8.75m, draws 3.05m and has a gross registered tonnage (internal volume) of 270 tonnes. The XV itself is not currently capable of autonomous or remote operation but has fully digital control systems that would allow this capability to be added in future, should the RN want to begin experiments with large-platform maritime autonomy.
The XV has been delivered from the Netherlands by a crew provided by her builders. There will be a hiatus of a few months while the ship is formally accepted (including safety certification, acceptance onto the Defence Shipping Register etc) and her ship’s company undergo a period of training, learning how to operate a vessel unique to the RN. Once set to work, the Patrick Blackett will be host to a variety of experiments with novel technologies and concepts. Navy X already has a series of projects in development that will potentially include the deployment of Maritime Autonomous Systems (MAS) – uncrewed underwater, surface and airborne vehicles (UUV, USV and UAVs). She will also trial new sensors and AI decision-making software and be a platform for further development of modularity and the Navy PODS concept.
The requirement for an existing vessel meant there were very limited suppliers able to meet this specification and in the end only the Dutch shipyard Damen tendered a bid into the competition. Although not comparable with a complex weapon or major warship procurement, this accelerator project is a good example of setting sensible goals and getting things done. This needs to be followed up with a focus on ensuring that the results of trials carried out on board XV Patrick Blackett are developed into viable capabilities that are quickly placed in the hands of the operators on the frontline.
(Main photo: Arjan Buurveld)
Few things –
1) shiney new boat!
2) Patrick Blackett: What a man. Was at Falkland and Jutland, Nobel Prize!? Great name choice.
3) Anyone else get the impression they knew what they wanted to buy & then made up a “competetive tender” with criteria so narrow, only the thing they wanted would meet it. Ticking some boxes to keep the admins happy were we chaps? Kinda like a “competetive tender” for a new car that specifies ‘must be called Mercedes SL’ & then being suprised Ford doesn’t bid…
4) Sounds like an excellent platform, programme & reasonable value at £7M.
3) Almost definitely what happened, and its the right move. When you want a pickaxe, you search for a pickaxe. Last thing you want to do is just search axe, especially when you’re legally required to consider every bid that meets the criteria fairly
No comms office or aerials ???
Small commercial ships deal with comms on the bridge.
it’s not a combat Ship …… did you actually read the article ?
The best part of this report is in the 2nd from last sentence “ this accelerator project is a good example of setting sensible goals and getting things done”.
May be Rear Admiral Parkin and his RM Colonel should be asked to run all of the procurement for the RN and RFA
Easy to do when the amounts of money involved are small. Like it or not big money defence projects are important for the national and regional economy as well as for national defence. Things are also much more complicated when what you are buying is high tech not an off the self commercial vessel.
We need people who can think out of the box unlike a good portion of the people at the top who seem to be part of the problem rather than the solution.
Maybe, just maybe, those people haven’t seen your posts on here…… I’m sure when they do, they’ll be in contact………. it’s good to know that you are here ….
You seem to be in the “I’m part of the problem” side of the equation.
Small boat procurement is one of the good bits of DE&S and they have been steadily delivering over the last few years. 👍
Or even get Jackie Fisher on the case?
You hit the nail on the head, if only we could get someone with Jackie Fishers mind set we would be light years ahead of the opersition.
Yup, he won the war all on his own didn’t he……. apart from all the “Opersition” we had to face for the next 5years…..
He role where the most results was before the war. Only a short period of around 6 months when bought out of retirement to be 1SL again.
History old boy, learn your history, as it can oftern help in stopping us make the same mistakes over and over again.
If you knew the history of the RN you would know Fisher retired as 1SL in 1910 – there was a very brief period during the war he returned temporarily as the existing 1SL ‘wasnt British enough’.
Hardly any foundation of fact ( 1910!) to to assert – even in a amusing manner- that he had anything to do with ‘winning the war’ ( it was land battles for a few months before Nov 2018 that decided that).
Everyone is aware Fisher was known for his energy and drive in the modernisation of warship design and production , not a tactical commander.
No doubt your response will be more ‘pigeon arguements’
I love this, but would also love to see a weaponised, battleship grey, Radar ready, missile boat/quick sub hunter version. But the platform looks wonderful! Fast!
What a cracking looking boat….. wouldn’t mind one myself to add to the collection.
Would make an interesting motor yacht.
I was thinking more of a fishing and Partying Yacht personally….. my Wife has many friends and I’d just like to leave them ashore and go partying and fishing !!!!!
I’m not seeing any VLS cells.
On this version….. they are horizontal…..
It’s a experiment platform, it’s not for combat, it’s for testing new tech
Dutch navy looking for something very similar but with vls.
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“This hull form is not suited to wider warship applications due to the narrow focsle”
That is not true! Damen has also designed the OPV 2600 with an axe-bow! This is a 2600 GRT warship with a 76mm deck gun, an advanced radarsystem and the possibilty to add other weaponsystems!
The vessel has an overall length of 103m, beam of 14.4m, draught of 4m and displacement of 2,600t. It is operated by a crew of up to 60 members while an additional 48 personnel can be carried for a total of a 108 members. I would call that a decent size warship.
The 2600 concept has not actually been built (although it would be quite feasible) – but as covered in the article, it’s an OPV. The axe-bow is an excellent innovation but don’t expect to see large axe-bow combatants. The hull form would not, for example, accommodate a VLS silo forward.
A Mk.41 might not be possible in the 2600 design. But if the 76mm is substituted for a 57mm deck gun, there will be enough room for the MK.41 self defence version, that is the shortest version. But a Mk. 56 VLS will certainly be possible, as well as a RAM launcher. There is also enough room for SSM missiles. That will classify it as a corvette.
You MIGHT physically fit a single VLS system on the ship but, as the article points out, the axe-bow design requires keeping the bow light. Mk41s, especially when loaded, are very heavy bits of kit. Both the 57mm and 76mm weigh around 14 tonnes fully loaded; a single 8-cell Mk41 loaded with with quad-packed ESSM weighs in over 21 tonnes.
It is difficult for outsiders to determine the maximum load this bow can take. But it is certainly possible to install a non-deck penetrating dual packed ESSM Block 2 Mk.56 with 16 VLS cells on top of the helicopter hangar. A non-deck penetrating RAM launcher is also possible. It will then have 53 SAM missiles.
Also the installation of an electric drive system and a VDS / HMS is possible. The ship will then be able to be used in an ASW role.
Allthough this requires a redesign of the superstructure, it is also possible to position the VLS cells a midships. Same as in the Type 31.
I would call that a warship. Don’t you?
I would call that a fantasy ship.
The Sigma corvette is fitted with an electric drive system. It will therefore be fairly easy to use a simular system on this design!
The Pola frigate Damen build for Mexico is fitted with a Mk.56!
All the Sigma corvettes are fitted with a HMS / VDS sonar!
To keep the weight down, I would be fitting CAMM, not mk41/56 & ESSM. ESSM is a CAMM-ER class / weight missile. The Axe bow is not new (just more refined these days) – check out a number of WW1 majors. Something I would add, if thinking of operating a Sea Axe OPV in the somewhere like the Pacific & certain parts of the Indian or Caribbean. If you hit a coral reef in a normal bow, you stand a good chance of riding up onto the reef. With a Sea Axe, it will be more like hitting a brick wall. Even the Samoan’s (who should know a thing or two about reefs), managed to write off a new 40m steel patrol boat (not an axe bow), by hitting a reef in 2021 (only commissioned in 2019).
Sure, a CAMM or a CAMM-ER is also a very good option. The OPV 2600 has a range of 7000 NM and an endurance of 40 days. It already outperforms the River class OPV both in speed, range and weapon systems.
Ax bow is much more than just a straight stem.
The Pocket Battleships of Germany started out with straight stems, which were converted to flared bows because of the heavy seas from the atlantic
It only works if the forward hull doesnt have weight for things like guns or missile launchers
Oh it’s nothing personal mate….. just that it’s not uncommon on here for people to play fantasy fleets and so on…..and your very well designed version however configured will never exist other than in the mind……… that’s why I said it’s a Fantasy.
None taken! The ship itself would be a great addition to the fleet. It outperformes the River class.
I actually like the RB2’s for the reason we actually have these hulls in the water and they have much potential.
The Pola frigate doesnt have Mk56 VLS
‘The primary weapon systems fitted on board the vessel will be a RAM Block 2 surface-to-air missile (SAM) launcher and Harpoon surface-to-surface missile (SSM) launchers. The forward bow deck will be installed with a 57mm main gun. Other gun systems on board the vessel will include two Mk38 25mm remotely controlled machine guns and six 12.7mm M2 machine guns.
For goodness sake, its a lower level patrol frigate
You have to get your facts straight. The POLA frigate does have a Mk.56 VLS onboard!
The ARM Reformador weapons suite consists in:
The ship is equipped with a Thales SMART-S Mk 2 radar, Raytheon Anschütz Synapsis navigation radar, a Thales CAPTAS 2 variable depth and Indra Rigel electronic warfare system. Helicopter deck and hangar space for one Lockheed Martin (Sikorsky) MH-60R Seahawk.
Another confirmation:
The official request:
It even has more weapons onboard then the Type 31!
I would call that a light frigate!
Lol, he does get most stuff totally wrong normally.
My source says differently !
Damen describe the Morocco version as having the VLS system , and the pictures place that behind the forward gun. Mexicos Reformador doesnt have VLS launchers behind the gun.
I just watched the short video from Damen showing the modules being build and the joining together in the Mexico shipyard.
A vertical views shows no VLS launchers around the funnel area or before the RAM launcher on the helicopter hangar roof.
You can confirm for your self by watching the video, the Reformador doesnt include VLS . They may be later proposed vessels upgraded to the bigger class but not this vessel
The video concentrates on all the weapons systems install, the forward gun, the RAM launcher, the VDS sonar system
Theres also the forward CIWS and what looks like frames for later ASM missiles up near the funnels
NO VLS launchers
What your sources have done is assumed it would be the same as the bigger vessels for Morocco and Indonesia. A simple mistake to make. Also wikipedia is mistaken
Morocco Damen vessels ( 10514 type) with this one for Mexico the smaller 10513 type
Your source is wrong!
The video says they are right . Watch the few minutes of the ( speeded up) construction and then some nice side and aerial views.
What is “navaltoday’ or ‘navalnews’, certainly arent as reliable as Navy lookout
It is also not important whether it is actually mounted on the ship, but whether it can be mounted on it. That was also the whole discussion about Damen’s OPV2600, the ability to mount VLS cells and other weapons on this design without compromising the handling characteristics of an AXE-bow.
‘VLS cells’ seem to be part of some commentors religious dogma.
And in Mexicos situation hardly necessary as they arent part of any military alliance nor have they even low level external threats
The hull form would not, for example, accommodate a VLS silo forward.
One, why does there have to be a VLS for’ard?
Two, all a matter of scale surely?
Assuming the actual hull forms, inc the underwater bits are all that similar.
My point is that axe bow built big enough can accommodate a VLS.
Axe-bows are deep at the bow.
I understand FDI is NOT Axe-bow.
The basic idea of FDI hull is, to enlarge the water-line to reduce (high speed) drag force.
Axe-bow is to reduce the acceleration when digged into a swell. It is more narrow, and narrower at the top.
For example, FDI hull has a knuckle. Its top width is also very wide. Very different.
I understand FDI hull form is more an modern equivalent of T12 (including Leander) frigats’s hull. And, actually, Leander frigats’ hull design was to reduce the swell shock. So, all of them are “similar” in their aim.
But, Axe-bow is a patented technology. So, it differs from the old hull-forms. In other words, when you say Axe-bow, it is THE Axe-bow (very narrow meaning). Something looking similar, but NOT called Axe-bow, is some different thing.
For me, both argument is not wrong, but talking about different thing using the same word, “Axe-bow”. Lavylookout’s comment is correct. Your argument is also not wrong, but one thing wrong is, FDI is NOT Axe-bow.
It is the closest thing out there to a large frigate sized axe and extremely similar.
I am not really interested whether you think what post is correct or not.
Looks very different in bow. FDI is fat, Axe-bow is narrow. Very different. If you think Axe-bow is similar to that of FDI, blame Damen that Axe-bow is nothing new, not worth for a patent.
Exactly on your figure, we can see how axe-bow is narrow. In this figure, we can see FDI bow very very is fat.
A bit more detailed discussion on the novel bow types
‘Developed by Damen Shipyards [9], the Axe Bow features a plumb stem with long, fine lines for the entrance. With this design, the keel actually drops down towards the bow, resulting in an axe shaped profile. (Figure 4‑1) Hence the name Axe Bow.
Axe Bow employs straight vertical sides to create a linear resistance to waves, resulting in smooth pitching motions’
It seems to require straight vertical sides which the frigate design from X doesnt have , but the Damen OPV does.
Thanks. Nice webpage it is.
I’ve read the original paper by Damen on Axe-bow (and enlarged hull). Very interesting read, they are. They are truly innovative new design, technology.
There is a reason why Damen is successful these days. They pay for innovation, trial, and its promotion. Good investments.
The Damen OPV 2600 2nd gen design doesnt seem to have much forward hull volume above the water line
In a different way , similar considerations led to the RN having two similar size but separate designs in the late 70s. The T42 and T22.
The T42 needed more volume forward for the Sea Dart missile spaces ( with magazine below water line) while the T22 had finer lines for its sea keeping ASW duties. Other countries used a AAW missile launchers above the helicopter hangar area
True, but it is possible to install a Mk.56 VLS launcher on top of the hangar.
If the superstructure is redesigned it is possible to install a Mk.41 VLS.
Of course it was possible, as I mentioned, to put launchers just forward of the helicopter spaces. But the RN didnt .
If they lengthened the T22 hull form forward of the bridge , it would be wide enough below the water line, which eventually happened ( The Batch 3 version was 50 ft longer) but behind the bridge . But in those days the delays and extra resources for 2 different designs at the same time seemed unimportant
I was referring to the OPV 2600!
Possible? The design excludes that possibility. Most ships dont put a VLS ‘on top of the hangar’ for obvious reasons. Forward of the hangar, yes ( Meko) around the edges ( Halifax class). The clear space of the helicopter excludes a VLS system above. A non penetrating deck launcher is possible ( sea wolf)
I wonder if the boys in light blue will take the naming as a sleight to Bomber Harris?
Blackett was responsible for the design of the UK bomb sight used by Bomber command
I think 20kts is very conservative; the Damen 4208 is advertised at 26kts max. Nice looking boat.
It did say that above though………..
Just trying to add a more specific figure. Mind, you wouldn’t catch many fish while doing 26kts…
Spearfish? 😉
I suspect the axe bow was also chosen to simplify construction, certainly an advantage when Damen are selling them off the peg.
Not so . It has definite advantages for the ships motion in rough seas
Recommend ‘Blackett’s War’ by Stephen Budiansky as an enjoyable read about Blackett and early Operational Research. Fascinating to see science and in fact just basic critical thinking at play in war.
When I did my computer science degree in the late 80’s a lot of operational research examples came from WW2, which is when people really began to recognise the usefulness of the insights it could deliver. The two that stuck in mind were, the calculation of the optimal depth for depth charges and how long it would take to seize Iwo Jima.
(I’d avoid the ‘critical thinking’ description, many use that phrase to describe watching YouTube videos from flat-earthers and anti-vaxxers.)
The depth charge one stuck out to me too, for coastal command aircraft keeping it shallow as if you used deeper you had almost no chance as the submarine could be in a wide area by that depth, so put all your dice on catching it shallow.
I also really liked the convoy optimization and ‘area law’ that you can increase the number of ships in a convoy much faster than the perimeter increases and therefore increase escort per perimeter with bigger convoys.
Flat earthers and anti-vaxxers don’t make it into my YouTube feed, but a shame if that phrase has been hijacked, my Mum always liked to use it (usually decrying my lack as I was caught doing something stupid!).
Maybe it’s my dark humour but you should 100% check the flat earthers out. Found one where their little collective spent $20,000 to buy a ring laser gyroscope to test their theory: if the world was flat, the gyro would show no drift. Then they detected 15-degree per hour drift (oddly at precisely the rate expected for a round Earth) & so decided it must be broken… amazing!
Anyway, book sounds interesting. I’m off to look it up. Cheers for the recommendation.
9,000 sensors. Is that normal tech for ships these days? What kind of things do they cover, systems, structure or both?
Yes – and both. You’ll have strain gauges in certain bits of structure, all sorts of temperature, flow rate, for things like lub oil, fuel, cooling water, intake air, exhaust air and thats just for each engine. Ditto for pumps, centrifuges, filters, HVAC plants, HVAC ducts and so on. then there will be flood sensors, fire and smoke detectors, the list goes on.
Every single sensor will have to be tested, calibrated – which is one reason testing and commissioning is a bit more involved than looking at it and going “that’ll be right”.
Hopefully she can continue to maintain our world class lead in Fitted For But Not With technology
The aft work area looks suitably empty so they must have considered FFBNW.
I am just upset they couldn’t have implemented this in a shipping container and actually bought a hull. I thought the future was a navy sans ships sans sailors?
This is the ultimate objective………….
Nice vessel.
Small = easy to maintain.
Good at high-sea at speed = good for North-sea, Channel, or Irish Sea patrol.
Even though she is for NavyX program, if her performance is good, DAMEN FCS 4008 or 5009 series could be a good candidate for UKBF cutter replacements.
Low freeboard at the quartor deck is “good” for boat-peple handling. With Axe-bow, she can steam at sea to the theater, while not giving un-tolerable “shake” for the crew. What is more, she can be operated by small crew. Of course, crew for boarding is needed. But, core crew of 6 is impressive.
It will also be a good candidate for replacing Archer class patrol boats, from the same reason.
It can go up to 30kts if the company advertising is correct.
Commonwealth game 2022 £80 Million
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No extra for the Navy mate!
There is a good book on Patrick Blackett, edited by Peter Hore (2003), Patrick Blackett: Sailor, Scientist, Socialist
Yes. In those post war years he was a bit of a Joe Stalin fan.
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She looks good and thats half the battle. This type of vessel would be just right to get those new MW systems to where they are needed. She has speed. legs and of course we would never be sending MW vessels out on their own but a couple 50 cals would give her a bit self defence without to much trouble. Lets hope they get some soon. Not a great idea to but a major warship sitting waiting to get hit whilst it plays with them drones. A dozen should do just fine.
Its a development vessel. Wont be going anywhere nasty.
Plus its way short of ‘major’ being 180 tonnes DWT
Agreed with both your points there.
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I’d love to see the RN funded to buy 6 of these to establish a Channel Sqardron working with border force to intercept illegal migrants with a RWS on the front and TEU based pods on the weather deck for secure accomodation on one paired with camcopters on another. Add in pollution modules and they’d be more than useful. Even better, stretch to several TEU pods for TRAPs and MCM then suddenly you bring a lot of capability to small platforms.
I bet there will be some very interesting experiments going on aboard. If I could have my time over again, joining the Royal Navy would be one of the things I would do.