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E/O and FLIR…..The aricle forgot about the ones on the Block 1b Phalanx lol Great systems to have and they allow the ship to have a small area around to ship to be monitored say if the ship is rigged for silent running and any Radar emission could prove fatal. Yes they might have flaws that radar doesn’t but they have a massive strength of being passive sensors

Dave Cullen

Batch III Type 23’s?


Batch 3 Type 22…HMS Cornwall F99 Probably a simple typo 😊


Ahh its the pumpkin. I’ve always wondered what it is.

Gavin Gordon

Thanks for this overview. Always interested in the electronics on our ships as they’re easily overlooked. Very often it’s the ‘small things’ that make a big difference.


Very good article. I’ve seen that Thales Mirador on Dutch ships, I’m sure its a great optic, but looks like another area of Naval electronic’s we appear to be giving up to Thales.


Remember that Thales is a very multi national company. It as very significant operations in France, Netherlands and the U.K. as well as other countries.


Yes. The UK business used be known as Racal, which owned Decca and Thorn EMI.


T31 is getting Thales Gatekeeper which combines four fixed cameras on the mast to give a full time 360 degree panoramic view.

Looks very useful for all round SA but no one seems to mention it.


I have looked after GSA7, 8 and ASCG’s over the years. Technology has certainly come on since HK PC GSA7 systems and their TI cooling system. The fitting of a TI to T42 DAS sights wasn’t mentioned though. Although it wasn’t a purpose designed, from the bottom up Electro Optic sight, it sort of inherited the capability when they bolted a thermal imager on onto the side of it.


So it looks like the hopes of easily fitting Martlet to the side of ASCG are a little unfounded. Because is we use Sea Eagle on our vessels as gunnery control for the ASCG it will also need a laser marker, not just a laser ranger, in order to guide the Martlet missile….

To be honest I’m amazed that the 2500 and Sea Eagle don’t have the capability to ‘paint’ targets already…

Armchair Admiral

The question then is, what did they guide the Martlet missiles with???