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When is the next Spithead fleet review?


At the airfix factory Margate!


But Airfix models have not been produced in UK since 1981!
Mostly in China and India.

Last edited 11 months ago by Kelvin

Don’t be pedantic Kelvin Neil s comment was funny


And who are you to judge? Shanghai fleet review then, lol.

Bloke down the pub

The Chinese like to get muscular in dealing with fishermen going about their business in the SCS.


I hadn’t realised fishery protection was no longer a naval task; contracting out securing our EEZ seems an uncomfortably close step to privatising defence. Obviously there’s still a world of difference between this and mercenaries, but its in the same vein


Maybe but it does free up manpower for other duties. With the current recruitment and retention issues not something to underestimate.


It seems Fishery protection has been done by non-RN for a while now:

But then turning up with a missile armed Frigate to check the size of someone’s nets looks a bit like overkill to me.


Can I apply for a Letter of Marque and become a Privateer too?


With the Letter of Marque and Reprisal comes a Carte Blanche
allowing impressment of crew.
What does BAE charge for their 2 axis stabilized 36 pound Carronades ?
Ahh, the old ways are the best.


That’s not how you spell ‘Cold War’…


It’s not the cold war.


Is haddock and halibut too.


Lack of manoeuvrability was a significant factor contributing to the RNs lack of success in the Cod War. Most, if not all, Icelandic Gunboats had Controllable Pitch Propellors, giving them the ability to turn on a sixpence or stop in their own length. All RN vessels (to my knowledge apart from HMS MERMAID) had fixed pitch propellers. Racing to get between a Fishing Vessel and a Gunboat, attempting to cut the lines of a trawlers nets, RN units invariably overshot even after lifting their steam safety valves (a practice totally frowned upon until then); whereas the Gunboat just stopped, turned and cut the lines at its leisure.


RN had controllable pitch propellors. How else could they go astern


Revere propeller revolution, any child would know that, even the Titanic can do it,
Go back to your IT job,


Titanic had separate reverse steam turbines.
Steam and gas turbines only run in one direction and generally steam reverse turbines havent been used for a long time
Your answer makes no logical sense , as any teenager knows a car engine only runs in one direction and some mechanical method is required to reverse and if you have a gearbox then some complex clutch system is needed for a ship
For ships its the variable pitch as thats the most effective mechanical way to change the thrust from the propeller face – all the while the propulsion system is running in its normal direction

Last edited 11 months ago by Duker

By reversing the gear train using the astern turbine. By ex-engine room artificer.

daniel scullion

Just goes to show the number of hulls is always the key factor in any situation.

Patrick Beane

One ‘benefit’ of the Cod War, was the mothballing of UK fleet deepsea trawlers, one, the Ross Revenge, was rescued and became one of the most famous radio Ships ever.

Despite UK and Dutch government blockades and raids, she survived 8 years in the North Sea (just!) without entering port. Originally the German built Freya, she can now be visited while at anchor in the River Blackwater.

Jim .

After the final cod war a pile of warp cutters were stacked up at the back of the maff fisheries office on Albert dock. These disappeared probably for scrap. I may have salvidged one for head office can’t really remember, but, one thing is for sure it wasn’t all one sided we used warp cutters too.


Broadsword destroyer we were up there


I was on the Tenby when we collided with an Icelandic gunboat during the middle. There were some white faces and brown trousers when went to energy stations. Serves us right for throwing spuds at the gun boat during the day !!


Throwing spuds at a gun boat..that’s a waste..l


The timing of the Cod Wars coincided with the development of the UK’s offshore oil and gas industry – the UK gov came to appreciate that Iceland’s notion of an exclusive 200 mile economc zone (not then universally accepted in international law) rather suited the UK. As technology for deep sea oil and gas production has developed, having a 200 mile EEZ has been very valuable for the UK. So, in the end the UK was a “winner” even if the outcome decimated the fishing ports of Lowestoft, Hull and Grimsby


Iceland played its trump card – withdrawal from Nato – if Britain, backed by Germany, wouldnt back down.
Iceland actually severed diplomatic relations with UK in 1976.
Current 200nm EEZ

Last edited 11 months ago by Duker

This piece has an interesting discussion on the tyranny of distance that most people forget. It’s really important as most of our modern hot spots are seriously problematic in regards to the tyranny of’s one of the key issues for the US in the pacific..a key issue in the Red Sea, gulf of Aden and gulf region.


There was also the Lobster War between France and Brasil

Alan Durk

I was on the Palliser during 58. 59. From leaving Rosyth on patrol we were 32 days at sea. And this was regular. I was on the Broadsword on a patrol up there but we could call into Reykjavik for a couple of days.


An interesting history lesson on a subject I know little about- thank you.
Perhaps makes the case for maintaining (or expanding) the OPV fleet, and also for the T31 lower-end frigate concept? Gives the flexibility of more affordable mass that we’re currently lacking. I’m well aware we need to be prepared for the high end fight, but it’s still the least likely scenario that the RN is likely to find themselves in.